Urine Preservative Collection Tube: Ensuring Sample Integrity for Accurate Analysis

Safeguard the integrity of your urine samples for accurate laboratory analysis with Urine Preservative Collection Tubes. These specialized tubes feature a unique preservative solution that prevents bacterial growth and preserves cellular morphology, ensuring reliable test results.

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Urine Preservative Collection Tube

In the realm of urologic diagnostics, the preservation of urine specimens is paramount to ensuring accurate and reliable test results. Urine, a rich source of cellular and molecular information, can harbor critical diagnostic markers, including exfoliated tumor cells, cell-free DNA (cfDNA), and microorganisms. However, the inherent susceptibility of urine to nuclease-mediated degradation and microbial growth poses significant challenges for specimen preservation.

Urine Preservative Collection Tubes address these challenges by employing a unique preservative solution that effectively inhibits nuclease activity and prevents microbial proliferation. This innovative formulation safeguards the integrity of cells, nucleic acids, and other valuable diagnostic markers, ensuring their stability for up to 14 days at room temperature.


Component1 Set5 Sets
Urine Collection Cup (120 mL)15
Urine Preservative Collection Tube (10 mL)210

This table outlines the components included in each set of the Urine Preservative Collection Tube, specifying the quantity of each component for both 1 set and 5 sets.

Urine Preservative Collection Tubes: Ensuring Uncompromised Specimen Integrity for Urologic Cancer Diagnosis

In the realm of urologic cancer diagnosis, urine serves as an invaluable liquid biopsy source, harboring both exfoliated tumor cells and cell-free tumor DNA. Its non-invasive and readily accessible nature further enhances its clinical utility. However, the potential for microbial proliferation and nuclease activity in urine necessitates the implementation of effective preservation methods to maintain sample integrity.

Enter Urine Preservative Collection Tubes, meticulously designed to safeguard the integrity of urine specimens, thereby ensuring reliable and accurate test results. These specialized tubes feature a unique preservative solution that effectively inhibits microbial growth and preserves cellular morphology, preventing degradation of critical diagnostic markers.

The preservation of urine specimens is particularly crucial for urologic cancer diagnosis, where the detection of subtle molecular alterations is essential for accurate patient stratification and treatment selection. By employing Urine Preservative Collection Tubes, clinicians can confidently collect and transport urine samples, ensuring that the valuable diagnostic information they contain remains intact and accessible for comprehensive laboratory analysis.

In essence, Urine Preservative Collection Tubes serve as the cornerstone of reliable urologic cancer diagnosis, empowering clinicians with the tools necessary to make informed decisions that directly impact patient care and outcomes.

Urine Preservative Collection Tubes: Safeguarding Cellular Integrity and Nucleic Acid Stability for Reliable Urologic Diagnostics


In the field of urologic diagnostics, the preservation of urine specimens is paramount to ensuring accurate and reliable test results. Conventional collection methods often fail to maintain sample integrity, leading to degradation of crucial diagnostic markers, particularly cell-free DNA (cfDNA), which is highly sensitive to nuclease activity.

This innovative Urine Preservative Collection Tube addresses this challenge by employing a unique formula that effectively protects the integrity and stability of cells and nucleic acids in urine samples. Its patented formula effectively inhibits nuclease activity, safeguarding cfDNA from degradation and ensuring its stability for up to 14 days at room temperature.

Key Features

  • Large Capacity: Collect ample urine samples to provide sufficient material for multiple assays, maximizing test flexibility and efficiency.
  • High Stability: Patented formula effectively inhibits nuclease activity, protecting cfDNA from degradation and ensuring sample integrity for extended periods.
  • All-round Preservation: Unique preservation reagents enable stable transportation and storage of urine samples for up to 14 days at room temperature, eliminating the need for refrigeration and simplifying logistics.
  • No Downstream Inhibition: The preservation solution does not interfere with PCR amplification, ensuring smooth downstream reactions and reliable test results.


The Urine Preservative Collection Tube finds wide-ranging applications in urologic diagnostics, including:

  • Bacterial and microbial infection detection
  • Tumor screening and characterization
  • Transplantation monitoring


